How the Spring Green Motel is keeping you safe
Outdoor entrances to all rooms
Option for contactless check-in, utilizing your phone
Spacious grounds to move about and enjoy the flowers and fresh air
Outdoor grills free to use and sanitized after every use
Spacious outdoor patios, attached to some rooms
Outdoor gazebos to relax and unwind
Complimentary breakfast on-hold, coffee offered in each room
- Individual microwave and refrigerator
- Cleaning staff will only enter room once you depart
Top grade disinfectant proven to kill viruses like Covid-19 used to clean each room after stay
Additional amenities available upon request
Our family looks forward to making you comfortable while keeping your health a top priority!
If you have a cough, fever, symptoms of Covid-19 please do not come to the Motel until you are symptom free for at least 3 days.
Please call the office with any questions, concerns or additional needs while you stay with us (608-588-2141).